Last updated on September 15th, 2022 at 04:10 am

There is no better example of the American Spirit being alive and well than in Bay St. Louis, on the Mississippi Gulf Coast. Bay St. Louis is trendy, fun, and a great place to live as a result of recovering from Hurricane Katrina. The small city is close to New Orleans and has become a favored weekend getaway for people living in the New Orleans area.

The hurricane did significant damage destroying many historic homes and businesses including the highway. Hurricane Katrina changed everything about Bay St. Louis except for the resolve of its citizens to rebuild. Their efforts began as soon as they were allowed back to the area and have continued through to this day.

New restaurants, accommodations, and businesses have been opening regularly. There are two areas in Bay St. Louis where people can walk around and enjoy the surroundings. The core of the area is the harbor and piers that contain restaurants, pubs, and shops. The area is very walkable.

Antique and artist shops line the streets.

You may be interested in local art or antiques or just want to window shop. Walking around the area just west of the harbor is a favorite pastime for visitors. Grab a coffee (or cappuccino) at one of the coffee shops and enjoy your walk. Some shops are located inside last century-restored homes. The streets are lined with live oaks and other beautiful trees.

Interested in staying for a few days or longer, consider one of the many bed and breakfast and vacation rentals in the area. Many of the older homes on streets leading to the harbor have been restored and are used as guest accommodations. These beautiful homes were all custom-built at various times and have great character. I enjoy just looking at the architecture and how they have been remodeled retaining its quaint past.

Stick around for the evening and experience music at the pubs along Beach Blvd (U.S. 90 and at the harbor). This entire area was rebuilt after Katrina. Sean Logan a member of the Logan-Anderson team grew up near Pass Christian and often tells me about how fast the area came back from the storm.

Resiliance is the key

Some residents decided not to return to Bay St. Louis after Katrina but most stayed in local areas or even further away until they could have their homes repaired or rebuilt. Their spirit is as much the focus of this article as is the story of the area. I recall seeing the damage on TV (I had not yet moved to the Gulf Coast). Nearly all of the coverage was of New Orleans. Little was mentioned about the Mississippi Gulf Coast.

No matter, the residents here took matters into their own hands and worked together to clear the debris and rebuild. They worked together to get this done in a manner reminiscent of efforts during WWII in London. Families have lived in the area for generations and were not about to give up. Their efforts are available for all to see as Bay St. Louis is alive and well years after Katrina.

Rebuilding was a chore but a great deal was learned about hurricanes and with modern building materials, homes were able to come back stronger and better. New homes along the beach road are built higher and with materials that were not available before Katrina such as better windows. The community is better prepared now for another storm.

The City knows how to celebrate

Of course, Bay St. Louis celebrates Mardi Gras like its cousin, New Orleans but the parades are cozier. People can get close up and see their favorite floats. Like all Mississippi Gulf Coastal cities, Bay St. Louis celebrates the entire Mardi Gras season with gusto.

Christmas is another favorite to celebrate in many ways. The poster indicates all of the events surrounding Christmas and New Year. Then there are the various events held during the year including Cruzin-the-Coast which is very popular. There is always something going on around Bay St. Louis.

Christmas celebration
Christmas Information

Let’s not forget the great fishing. Since the City is on the bay and the Gulf of Mexico, you can catch fish from the beach or one of the piers. Boating is a big deal around the Mississippi Gulf Coast and particularly in Bay St. Louis. A short drive will take you to one or more of the Gulf’s casinos for entertainment at any time.

Housing prices are rising

Bay St. Louis was a modest-priced community before Katrina hit. It has now become one of the fastest-growing areas along the Mississippi Gulf Coast and home prices have been moving up as the demand grows and supply remains short. Let me explain what I mean about modest pricing and high pricing. You should understand that the Mississippi Gulf Coast housing market is priced much lower than most of the country.

typical mid priced home
Attractive home for $325,000 (3 br, 2 ba)

Home prices in the Bay St. Louis area are moving up but so price elsewhere. Compared to housing prices outside of the area, this city offers bargains. I know what it would cost to buy a home near the beach in California and prices in Bay St. Louis are a fraction of those big metro area prices.

The house above is an example of a modestly priced home a few blocks from the harbor. Click on the link below the house which will take you to the Logan-Anderson, Gulf Coastal Realtors website where you can look at more photos and details. This house is typical in style. Many houses have brick exteriors and others have vinyl siding. Some houses have hardy board siding as well.

House on canal
Offered at $495,000 located on a canal with access to the bay

The house above is typical of homes built near water. This one is elevated to meet FEMA requirements for flood insurance. If the canal floods during a storm, the house is not harmed. There are many of these homes on purpose-built canals on the North West side of Bay St. Louis. Homeowners often install boat lifts so that they can simply lower the boat into the water and go. Click here for a recent Bay St Louis market update

Higher priced close to everything
An example of higher prices for properties closer to the bay and harbor this one is selling for $595,000, click above for full details

Bay St. Louis, is trendy fun, and a great place to live.

No need to wait to plan your trip to visit Bay St. Louis. Any time of the year is a good time to visit. You may want to stay. There are still some lots available around the area for those who want to relocate to Bay St. Louis. Build your own home on a lot near the beach or a few blocks inland. Vacant lots became available after Katerina and as started this article about the building, there are few remaining.

At least come for the weekend and stay at one of the new B&Bs, vacation rentals, or hotels in the area. The food is great and the company is terrific. See you there!

Note: Please read other articles about the Mississippi Gulf Coast on this website. Don’t miss these articles which have created several people to move or consider moving here. “Why do you need to retire on the Mississippi Gulf Coast”. And, another article you may want to read. “Why I decided to retire in Ocean Springs, Mississippi”.

PODCAST – Gulf Life Now – “Beautiful Bay St. Louis”

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