Last updated on October 25th, 2023 at 03:56 pm

Visiting the City of Ocean Springs Mississippi and looking for some exercise?  One of my favorite walks is not on any map and I think you should know about it.  If you do not know about Ocean Springs, you can learn more by reading articles on this site.  For those of you who know how beautiful the trees and streets are, you will understand what this article is about.  My wife and I walk this route because we not only as part of our exercise program but we get to see beautiful things along the way. Walking Ocean Springs is one of life’s little pleasures.

As a summary of the walk, according to my Apple phone, we walked a total of 1.6 miles in 55 minutes.  Our goal is not to run but to walk at a steady pace, not too fast and not too slow.  Our own pace is about 32.5 minutes per mile.  Before you can walk, you will need a place to park your car unless you are staying in Ocean Springs.  We drive from our home not far away but too far to walk.

Ocean Springs walking route
See the red marker at the top right inside the blue line. That’s the start. Blue streets are the route

The start of our walk is from the parking lot of the Inner Harbor Park.  This is a very nice park with full restrooms.  For us seniors, we need the conveniences on occasion.  It’s nice to know that you can use the restrooms before you walk or when you return.  The park has space for about 12 cars.  This is a favorite place for people who gather to play pickleball on the courts.  The park is tucked deep inside Ocean Springs and it’s never crowded.

We start with the Boardwalk

Our walks start with the boardwalk along the bayou across from the inner harbor.  On occasion, we see Samantha the alligator sunning herself on the South bank of the bayou.  My wife named the alligator not knowing if it is male or female or even the same one each time we see it.  On good days, several pelicans are working the bayou for fish, it’s interesting to see them dive and come out with a meal.  All the time we are walking on the boardwalk.  

When we get to the end of the boardwalk we either return to the start and walk out onto Pine Drive at the East side of the park and continue South on Pine Drive or we walk out onto Kensington Ave and walk West.  Today we walked out onto Kensington Ave and walked West.  After walking for just a few minutes, we cross the Inner Harbor Bayou and then turn left to walk along the Inner Harbor dock.  

This is a long dock with boats tied up.  A large variety of small and large boats are tied up and I find it interesting to see them.  Of course, the tall pilings are occupied by Pelicans.  They do not move as we come close.  If they are lucky a boat will arrive with munchies and they will flock around.

Innerharbor park boardwalk
Our starting point at Inner Harbor Park is the boardwalk

Back to the trail

To get back to our trail, we return the way we came along the dock to Kensington Ave and turn left walking West.  The street is covered with very old live oak trees some spanning several properties.  Beautiful magnolia trees and lush gardens are everywhere.  Some houses are newly remodeled, some are new and many others have been there for decades.  It’s easy to notice the care with which the owners go to maintain their properties.

Freshly mowed lawns, trimmed hedges, and orderly camellias and azaleas all along Kensington.  We arrive at the corner and turn left onto General Pershing Ave then turn South East.  The homes here are just as attractive as the ones we passed in Kensington.  Before long we arrive at the Ocean Springs Harbor (or outer harbor) where we take a slight detour to the right and walk by more boats.  

These boats are larger, some are ships.  You start to see part of the fishing fleet at this point.  We walk back to General Pershing then turn right and cross the bridge connector from the outer harbor to the inner harbor.

At this point, we are quite high (boats can go under the bridge) and can see the Mississippi Gulf Coast and the entrance of Ocean Springs Harbor in the distance.  Several fishing boats are located below, our vantage point on the bridge allows us to see inside the boats.  

The shrimp trawler was getting ready

While we were there a group of people were loading ice into the shrimp trawler ready to leave for the day’s catch.  If you like shrimp, going to the Ocean Springs harbor is a great way to buy fresh shrimp right off of the boats.

Looking to Outer harbor Ocean Springs
Looking out to the Outer Harbor from the Inner Harbor dock

During our walk we see many people walking their dogs on leashes.  Not once have we encountered an aggressive dog, they are very friendly.  We say hello to people we pass along the way.  Incidentally, we are walking on the street except for the harbor.  While you may think this is dangerous, consider that Ocean Springs has a maximum speed limit of 25 miles per hour on some streets but in most areas, the speed limit is as low as 15 miles per hour.

People are very courteous about walkers, they slow even more and pass on the opposite side of the street.  One way to confirm that what I am saying is true is to watch the number of mothers and families pushing strollers with their babies.  Many young mothers have those exercise strollers so they can run and push them.  I never hear of pedestrians being run down.

After leaving the bridge we arrived at Shearwater Park

Back to our walk.  After switching sides of the bridge to see the sights on the North side into the end of the Inner Harbor, we continue South East on what is now Shearwater Drive.  The street name changes at the bridge.  Just after leaving the bridge, there is a nice little park on the North side of the street (Shearwater Park).  We often walk into the park and sit on the bench located on a dock.  

It’s not the rest we are looking for, it’s looking at the birds and just enjoying nature.  Today we passed up the park and kept walking until we reached Pine Drive.  At that point, we take a left and walk up the very pleasant street.  One of our favorite gardens is further along Pine Drive near the bayou, it is the last house on the right.  You can’t miss their great garden with so many varieties of plants.  

The pier at Front Beach, Ocean Springs Mississippi

Larger shorebirds are often about

Walking a little further, we walk onto the bridge crossing the East side of the Inner Harbor Bayou.  We often find some of the larger shorebirds even ones that are protected.  One time we saw our favorite alligator where the water was shallower.  After taking a look there, we walked up to the park and back to our car.  The entire walk today was 55 minutes.  Walking Ocean Springs can take you in many directions, this was our favorite.

On occasion, we will continue walking South on Shearwater Drive rather than turning North on Pine Drive.  By walking a few minutes further on Shearwater, we reach the beach.  Right at the beach on the North side of the road is Weeks Bayou and a very small viewing area of the bayou.

On occasion, we will walk on the sand, if we continue we will turn around before long and return.  This adds about 10-15 minutes more to the walk.  When we do this, we will have passed by:

The beach

Inner Harbor

Outer Harbor

Weeks Bayou

Inner Harbor Park

Shearwater Park

In 55 minutes we were able to see lots of water in the bayous and the beach, beautiful trees, and homes have experienced a quiet walk (except on days when the gardeners are mowing) and even got some exercise.

Lil Market Bagels
We grab a bagel in the morning after our walk and eat it on Front Beach

Time for a reward

Now that the hard work is done, we go to Lil Market and pick up either a bagel or a breakfast burrito.  We order it at the park and it’s ready when we get there.  A two-minute drive takes us to Fort Maurepas Park where Coastal Mississippi is there in full view.

 We sit on one of the benches in the park and take in the action.  This is where we see owners walking their older dogs as the City of Ocean Springs permits dogs on the beach.  We can see the Biloxi Bay bridge off to the right.  Some call it the Ocean Springs Bridge.  Front Beach is what the area is called a small beach by any standards but it’s equipped with low-impact exercise equipment and a shower.  

Ft. Maurepas Park Ocean Springs
The seating area at Ft. Maurepas Park on Front Beach Ocean Springs MS
Fort Maurepas Park Sign

You can even walk out on the pier which we do on occasion.  People play volleyball and swim in the warm Gulf water.  There is a boat launch a bit further down the beach as you enter the outer harbor.  Last year we spent most of our time walking Ocean Springs in the Spring, Fall, and Winter.  The trees help shield the sun on hot days.

We have several routes

There are of course many areas where you can walk around.  We have several routes that we take, one includes the old cemetery that we occasionally go through.  Each time we visit we find something new and interesting.  The homes and gardens are so interesting that time just goes by fast and before you know it you are done.

 Sometimes we start in the Little Children’s Park or Fort Maurepas Park.  We have round-trip routes starting from any of these points.

Biloxi Ocean Springs Bridge
Biloxi Bridge you can walk on the East side of the bridge from Ocean Springs to Biloxi

Many people walk the Biloxi Bay bridge, we have done this when the weather is cooler. One of the best views anywhere of water and the shore.  You can see every casino on the Mississippi Gulf coast down to Gulfport from the top of the bridge.  Walking from Ocean Springs, start at the Yacht Club.

For those who want to walk the bridge in the morning, you can stop at the Golden Nugget resort on the South side pick up a Starbucks coffee, and relax before walking back.

I hope that you have found this article interesting and that when you are in the Ocean Springs area you may visit some of the locations that I have mentioned and take a walk. Walking Ocean Springs will be one of the most memorable things you do here.

Read some of our articles such as this one Why you need to retire on the Mississippi Gulf Coast! and Countdown to the Best 2023 Mardi Gras Celebration now

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