Last updated on June 22nd, 2020 at 03:39 am

The purpose of creating this blog is to thank the businesses who have generously provided photos and art as part of the internet sharing concept. When you read an article that is full of photos and art, that work is generally supplied by providers who sometimes provide it at no charge.

All they ask is that those who are creating a blog, mention their name. I wanted to write this short thank you to those providers, here are a few, I will continue to add more.:

Photos and art make blogs more readable and interesting. It would be impossible for most bloggers to pay for all of the photos and are particularly when their site is generally not created for commercial purposes. I appreciate their work and this is my way of thanking them by telling non-bloggers about it.

When creating this blog, (we are supposed to repeat the title of the article multiple times), I use my own experience and information that I have found at other sites. You will see words underlined which are links to the sites where I found good information. Rather than repeat the other articles, I and other bloggers provide a link so you can read it directly.

Another thing you should know is that blog sites are not news sites (generally speaking). Our sites are opinion sites that may contain hard news and lots of documented facts. Blogs can also contain rants about this and that. When you read my blog or others keep in mind that this is only one source of information.

I like to weave in personal stories and experience to give the reader a feeling that the information is just not regurgitated from another site. There are so many commercial sites that do this. Some times I read a blog article and learn zero. Just a bunch of words to get their site picked up by the Google search engines.

The purpose of this blog is not to lift the curtain on bloggers, I just wanted too thank the art providers and add a few comments about the creative process. I also want to thank those who take the time to provide comments, these help me and other bloggers. It’s a way to pay for content where the writer is not asking for money.

You are welcome to list your website in your comments, it may be considered a link back which is ok with me assuming that I accept the comments that have thus far been tasteful.

Thanks for reading.

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