I hope you have read my article about buying products made in the United States of America. Everyone knows that China makes most of the stuff we need. If this is to change, the United States needs a new strategy.

Let’s be clear at the outset here. Americans should not discriminate against Chinese people. This is not about the average Chinese person, it’s about economics and the policies of their government.

That is “Not made in China”. If China were to say like Great Britain or Spain, our friends, we would consider buying something from them because they buy some things from us.

The fact is that China is not our friend, worse, they are our enemy. Truly, they are. Please play the Utube video below and listen to me explain what I mean.

If you are retired, pay close attention, retired people will be my key target market with all others playing their part. Thanks for checking in.

Please leave comments at the end of this page.

Don’t forget to buy products made in the U.S. Please send this along to friends and neighbors. Comments are invited.

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